The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a meal sponsorship available to Family Child Care Homes, Child Care Centers, Adult Care Centers, Homeless Shelters and At-Risk Programs to receive reimbursement for meals that are served to children and adults in their care. Community Action Partnership Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties is a sponsor of the program for the State of New Hampshire and provides additional benefits to participants.
Participating in the Child and Adult Food Care Program is a win-win situation for everyone:
- The financial reimbursement will help you with your food expenses
- You receive educational resources and support in providing nutritious meals and snacks
- Families will appreciate knowing that the children or adults they have enrolled in your care are receiving healthy meals
Southern New Hampshire Services CACFP Benefits:
- Money Back for food expenses
- Minute Menu online child care management software free of charge to CACFP participants
- Nutrition Know-How and Assistance from our staff who hold CACFP Child Nutrition Professional and CACFP Management Professional certifications
- Annual Trainings with materials provided by the New Hampshire Department of Education on topics such as record keeping, menu planning, claims consolidation, monitoring, meal patterns and Civil Rights
- Quarterly Newsletter for centers and participants including recipes and articles related to children’s nutrition, physical activity and health as well as information on additional services that may be relevant
How does CACFP work?
First, we will determine your eligibility. Family Child Care Homes will use existing financial documentation and Child Care Centers will use the family’s income to make this determination. For Adult Care Centers, we will use the enrollee's income.
Once approved, you will use the educational resources provided to prepare and serve USDA approved meals to those in your care. Your reimbursement rates for each meal will then be delivered according to the following table: