There are many barriers that can result in homelessness. Job loss, substance abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, or a combination of these issues may be putting you at risk of losing your current home or in need of finding shelter.
Our Homelessness Prevention Services provides services that may include short-term assistance to prevent eviction, help in securing new housing for those who are suddenly homeless, and information & referrals for individuals and families in need of emergency shelter. We partner with other organizations participating in HUD’s Coordinated Entry process to ensure that assistance is both accessible and effective no matter how or where help is needed. Depending on the specific program or service offered, individuals may be required to have sufficient income to maintain housing without subsidy after assistance ends. Funding sources for our Homelessness Prevention Services include the City of Portsmouth, Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program, New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services, New Hampshire Housing and United Way of Greater Seacoast.
Our Supportive Housing Program provides residents with non-treatment facilities that offer a stable living environment, supportive services and assistance in creating a self-sustaining life as a contributing member of their community. Housing is offered at Robinson House for men.
Robinson House
49 Manchester St.
Manchester, NH 03101
Robinson House is a non-treatment facility featuring 24 subsidized single-room occupancy apartments for homeless men who have completed a substance abuse program and are in need of a safe and supportive living environment. All apartments are Section 8 rent-assisted and subsidized by HUD and by the Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority (MHRA). Each resident’s rent will be up to 30% of their monthly income.
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System
Consumer Notice